Everest Trek | Peakfinder Screenshots 3 - The Gokyo Valley

In continuance of my Peakfinder series of identification of the peaks of the Everest region here are the Peakfinder screenshots from the Gokyo and Cho La pass. For other peakfinder maps of the Himalaya do visit http://sujoyrdas.blogspot.in/search/label/Peakfinder

From Cho La pass looking east - Everest is marked but we did not see it

From Cho La pass looking south west

Looking north from Gokyo Ri

From Gokyo Ri looking south east

From Gokyo Ri looking west towards Rhenjo La pass

From Gokyo looking south

From Gokyo looking towards Cho Oyu and also Gokyo Ri summit
To visit the Everest region and Gokyo and see these peaks do join South Col Expeditions